Friday, December 19, 2008

Review: Katie Brown Celebrates

A few weeks ago I won the book "Katie Brown Celebrates" from the book blog and the Hachette Book Group. I received it the other day and couldn't wait to look through it. I LOVE cookbooks! I could sit and read through cookbooks all day long. But, this is more than a cookbook, it is a party planner and a cookbook all in one. The photos are amazing and make everything look so easy and beautiful. I am hosting my Niece-to-be's wedding shower in April and there are a few ideas from this book that I would like to incorporate. There are also some great ideas for a kids party as well. There is a theme for each month including decorations, food, and even party favors/crafts. Some of the recipes are so easy I was amazed how they end up looking so delicious and elaborate! I can't wait to try some of them! So, if there is someone in your life who loves to throw parties, cook, or create unique crafts, this book is for them! You can go here to get more information about this book

1 comment:

Julie P. said...

I'm so glad you like it! :)