Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

As many other families, we closed out our summer (even though the kids have been in school since August 20th) with a great weekend. God certainly blessed us with perfect weather this weekend and allowed us to recharge our batteries and get ready for a busy schedule ahead. This was our last free weekend for a long time as soccer starts Saturday and football starts Sunday. Free weekends are a thing of the past for awhile.

Friday night we spent the evening at a local winery with Pat's sister Julie and husband Bill and our friends Mike and Tina. We laughed A LOT, had great wine and enjoyed the music of the Silver Wings playing the oldies. It was a great evening! The kids had fun too, playing with their cousins that night!

Then Saturday we attended the neighboring towns annual "Sauerkraut Days". It starts with a parade and then all the free hotdogs and sauerkraut you can eat, carnival rides for the kids, a car show, and various other food items for sale. Our nephews were in the parade, driving their tractors. We enjoyed our dogs and kraut. I even gave in and had a funnel cake. The kids had fun riding the carvial rides. By the time we got home we were all exhausted and had naps!

Saturday night we had a bonfire in our backyard and Pat and the kids slept in a tent in our backyard. Dad didn't get much sleep, but the memories made were worth it!

Sunday we enjoyed a day at home, picking up, cleaning and organizing rooms, playing catch outside, and playing games inside. Today we slept in. Then we had a picnic, played at the park, fed the geese and ducks, went to Chuck E Cheese to play the games, went out for ice cream.
This was such a great family weekend for us. It was just what we needed. Our family has been blessed and we had such a beautiful weekend to enjoy and be thankful for. The memories we made this weekend will carry us through our next several busy weekends.

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