Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Five Family Healthy Habits

Just the other day I received a mailing from FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.  In the brochure it talked about their new campaign that they are going to focus on for the next 6 months.  They have titled it "Everyday Family Campaign" with each month digging deeper into each of these 5 habits.  I feel so strongly about each of these 5 habits that I wanted to share them with you as well.  I encourage each of you to work on these with your family.  I promise you will be rewarded!

1. DINNER:  Eating dinner as a family - without the distraction of television - is a vital part of family life.  Dinner is a great time to show a deep interest in your children's lives by asking questions and taking the time to really listen to the answers.  (Our family like to use the books KID CHAT for ideas to spark creative discussion.)

2. TIME:  Spending meaningful time together as as family every week will strengthen bonds.  Playing together, laughing together, eathing together, and attending church together.  Each of these time investments will sow long-term rewards for parents.  (Our family loves playing board games as well as just snuggling together, especially in the mornings and right before bed.)

3. COMMUNICATION:  Talk to your kids every day.  Get on their level and experience the world from their perspective.  Asking good questions and listening to the answers will lead to trust between you and your children.   (I am always amazed at the conversations I have with my children when I give them my undivided attention.)

4. LAUGHTER:  There is something wonderful and special that happens when families play together and laugh together.  Parents and children grow closer and learn what's important to each other.  (I love hearing my kids laugh!)

5. PRAYER:  Your children will mimic your actions.  They want nothing more than to be like the heroes in their lives.  When you pray with your children, you're showing them that the most important relationship in your life is with God. ( We have seen God answer prayers and the kids like making lists of others to pray for.)

Taken from the Family Focus June 2010 Parenting brochure from FOCUS ON THE FAMILY.

We are all sooo busy these days.  Sometimes it is so hard to make that extra time for our kids when we are running from one practice, event, game, camp, etc to another.  But, even if these things can't happen everyday.  Make an effort to have at least one day or half a day every week devoted to just family time.  You won't regret it and you will feel even more ready to tackle the next project or activity.

If you would like to know more about Biblical truth for today's family, check out http://www.focusonthefamily.com/ for numerous resources targeted just for your family's needs.

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