Friday, October 29, 2010

Things I Love - My Husband

Things I love....................

This is my feature where I get to share something that I just love. Since you are my friends, I like sharing things I love with others. It could be anything from a new product, food, recipe, song, image, to a person and everything in between. This will be something I am completely doing on my own, without pressure or compensation from a company, author, PR/Marketing firm, friend, business owner, etc. This will just be something that makes me happy and I want to share it with you. Enjoy some love!

Today's love is..................................
My husband, Pat. 
This week he turned 40 and it was so fun to celebrate that with him.  He was 27 when we met.  We were so young and so full of dreams for our future.  We couldn't wait to get married and have children and start a life together.  When he turned 30, I threw a huge surprise party with his best friend's wife.  Her husband was also turning 30 and so we decided it would be easiest to have their surprise parties together.  Boy was it a blast, but also a lot of work.  This time, I decided to make it more manageable and more personal.  His birthday was on Monday, so we started celebrating on the weekend by going out to dinner with another couple friend of ours to one of his favorite restaurants.  Then Saturday night I invited his sister and family over.  This was when I revealed a slide show/DVD of his last 40 years.  I had scanned pictures from his childhood, pictures from our early life together and added in some of our family photos.  I sent them off to my cousin who then put it into DVD form with music and captions.  It was fun to see the finished piece and every one's reaction to the photos.  On Sunday, we celebrated here at home since Monday night was going to be hectic with basketball practice.  On Monday, I had told him I would take him out to lunch, knowing that I really wasn't going to do that.  I had arranged for people in his office to stick around for lunch on Monday.  I had also sent posters of some of the cutest photos of him to be placed around the office that morning announcing that he was 40 today.  I brought lunch in for everyone at the office.  Pat was truly surprised and it was fun to have all of us sitting around the conference table.  His sister even came in for lunch and brought a cake which was a nice touch. 
So, as you can see, I am truly in love with my husband.  I wouldn't know how to survive without him.  He is truly a "hands on" dad and husband.  No, he may not always put his clothes away in a timely manner or pick up after himself, but he is always willing to help out a neighbor, to get down and play with the kids, to help me with a craft project or a baking project, or to watch a girlie movie with me. 
I knew from the first night we met, that he was THE ONE for me.  We have made it through some tough times, and came through even stronger.  I can't wait to see what our future holds.  I look forward to celebrating and finding ways to surprise him for his 100th birthday!
So, today's love is a love only for me.  But I am so full of love for him that I had to share it with all of you, especially in honor of his birthday.  Happy Birthday and may there be many, many more!

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