Thursday, April 14, 2011

What I Am Doing and Not Doing

Where have I been lately?  What have I been up to?  Let me start with what I haven't been doing.....
I'm not
- blogging much
- sleeping as much as I'm used to
-still NOT drinking pop
-not keeping up with the laundry
-not keeping up with the housework
-not cooking as much
-not baking as much
-not reading as much
-not facebooking/twittering as much
-not getting on the treadmill - at all :(

What I have been doing is working.  I'm in my 4th of 8 weeks of a long-term substitute teaching job.  So, not being home during the day has forced me to let some other things go.  My evenings are spent checking the homework, feeding the family, and running children to various practices.  By 9:00, the kids are in bed and I am exhausted and ready for bed myself.  I really don't know how working moms get everything done!?!?  It is tough for me to continue to do the things I LOVE to do, yet keep up with the things I HAVE to do.  So, as a result, some of my things have had to take a back burner for a few weeks.

I'm still keeping up with my NO POP rule for Lent.  The hubby and I are continually noticing at times when we would really like one (for me....every afternoon at school), but we are getting through it and it has definitely been a tough sacrifice for me. Only 9 more days to go until I can open a Diet Mountain Dew!

Next week we will have a birthday in the house.....our oldest, Patrick turns 11!  We will celebrate with him on Monday, with his friends on Thursday, and our family on Saturday!  Phew!  Still not sure how I will fit that all in!  Does the house have to be clean??????  I'm taking the easy route and having the food made and the cake baked.  I just have to let some stuff go. 

So, until I have a moment to check in with all of you.....know that I am still here....plugging away at the important stuff.  Soon, I will get back to the fun stuff!

1 comment:

Covnitkepr1 said...

Just checking back to read any postings you may have written.

I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.