Friday, August 5, 2011

Things I the Kitchen - Kuhn Rikon Knife

Things I Love...

This is my feature where I get to share something that I just love. Since you are my friends, I like sharing things I love with others. It could be anything from a new product, food, recipe, song, image, to a person and everything in between. This will be something I am completely doing on my own, without pressure or compensation from a company, author, PR/Marketing firm, friend, business owner, etc. This will just be something that makes me happy and I want to share it with you. Enjoy some love!

For the next few weeks I am going to focus my Things I Love on things I love in my kitchen.  I love to cook and bake and there are a few things that I Could. Not. Live. Without.

Today's love is..............................Kuhn Rikon Knife.

I was first introduced to these knives when my cousin, Melanie, gave me a pink one for a gift.  Then I convinced my husband to give these knives to his top clients in his annual Christmas box.  Since he works for ING, they had to be orange, of course, so I now have an orange one too.

These knives have a steel, nonstick blade that is super sharp.  They also come with a little cover that the blade slides into.  I don't even put these knives away.  I keep them right in my dish drainer because I am using them All. The. Time.

They retail for just $10.00 and can be found in your favorite kitchen supply store.  They also come in a huge array of colors.  What a fun way to brighten up the task of cutting onions!!!  What's your favorite color?

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