Saturday, October 1, 2011

It is 10-Day Give Time Again

This is my third year participating in the 10-Day Give.  I love how it challenges me to find a way to give to others every day.  Some days it might be my time, some days my words, and some days I may be giving money or things. 

The 10-Day Give is a challenge to give something to someone each day - for 10 days.  This video below really says it all.

So, why don't you join me in giving to others for just 10 days.  Who knows?  Maybe it will turn into 10 more days.  Check out the 10-Day Give website HERE or their Facebook page HERE to sign up.  If you want to read some of the things I've done with the 10-Day Give in past years, click on the 10-Day Give Label down the right side of my blog. 

Since today is Day 1, I will go ahead and post my give for today.   It was an easy one because it was already scheduled.  Today is the Boy Scouts Scouting for Food Pick Up.  So, I filled the sack with groceries for them to pick up and donate to our local food pantry.  It was very easy to grab things from our pantry that we are fortunate enough to be able to replenish.  If you don't have a Boy Scout Group doing this in your community today, find out how you can drop off food to your local food pantry.  It is one of the easiest ways to give back to your community.  You just might be feeding your child's classmate, a family from church, or even your neighbor!

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