Sunday, August 12, 2012

Scenes From Our Week - Week 45

This was a busy week with catching up from vacation and getting ready for school.  We purchased school supplies  sorted through the kids' drawers and closets and bought new clothing.  We also did a lot of Olympics watching since we had missed out on it the first week.

The boys had another Sheltered Reality performance in a near-by town.  Our two friends Mary and her sister, Barb were both called up to play along.  What a fun night!

Barb and Mary were awesome and good sports about playing along!

During one of the songs, they use bouncy balls in place of the sticks.  This was the boys' first time trying it out at a performance and they did a great job.  It definitely takes skill to bounce a ball on the drum and catch it with one hand, use a stick with the other and keep on the beat!

This is our last week before school starts on the 20th.  I have a few fun things left up my sleeve, but the week will fly by.  We will be spending the weekend with my family for my dad's 80th birthday.  I am looking forward to some great family time and celebrating!

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