Monday, October 15, 2012

Book Spotlight: Better Than Chocolate by Sheila Roberts


It’s mid-morning. Breakfast is over (a nice, nutritious one), and little Sheila is sitting at her computer, writing away.  Where was I going with this scene? Do I need this scene? This needs to be better. I can’t think.
I know what I need: some chocolate to help me think. I’ll just step over to my office closet where I hide my stash and have a little Lindor chocolate truffle ball. Wait a minute. The bag is gone. Who ate my last white chocolate truffle ball? Has my husband discovered my stash? Oooh, if he’s raided my chocolate he’s in big trouble.
Oh,wait. I ate the last one yesterday. Well, never mind. Get back to work.
Okay, back to that pesky scene. Type, type, type. Yuck. This is pathetic. Who would read this? I don’t want to read it and I’m the one writing it. I need chocolate!
I know. I’ll make myself a latte with chocolate syrup in it. Off to the kitchen I go. Wait, where’s the chocolate syrup? We can’t be out. Oh, yes. I’m on deadline. I haven’t gotten to the store. There is no chocolate syrup. All right, then, hot chocolate. Do I have any hot chocolate mix left?
Oh, no. I’m out of that, too. Cocoa powder. I’ll pull out the cocoa powder and make hot chocolate the old-fashioned way. Where the heck is the cocoa powder? Gone, all gone. Noooo.
Okay, don’t anyone panic. There must be something in this house.
Chocolate chips! I’ll have some chocolate chips. And add some raisins to make the treat doubly healthful. Raisins are good for me – lots of iron. Chocolate is good for me, too. It’s good for my skin, good for my heart, and it boosts my mood. And right now my mood definitely needs boosting!
I find six whole chocolate chips left at the bottom of the glass jar where I keep them. Only six. What’s with that? Who’s been in the baking supplies? Oh, yeah. Me, the last time I went on a chocolate rampage.
Well, these will have to do. I snort the six chips (forget the raisins – we’re out anyway) and get back to work. The scene still stinks. Well, write it anyway. Type, type, type.
This is so not working. I need more inspiration so I call my neighbor. “Can I borrow a cup of chocolate?”
“I’d love to help you,” she says, “but I ate the last chocolate chips in the house.”
My neighbor and I decide we need to run to the store.
At the store it’s time to stock up: M & M’s, more truffles, chocolate chips, cocoa mix, cocoa powder, baking chocolate, and oh, yes, let’s stop by the Starbucks and get a nice latte with plenty of chocolate in it. Aaaah. Now, maybe I can go home and fix that scene.
Back at the typewriter, popping M & M’s the words begin to flow. Why did I think this scene was so bad? It’s great now. Life is great! Hmmm. Is the scene really better or did my chocolate hit fix alter my mood?
Sometimes, a writer never knows for sure. One thing I do know for sure though, chocolate keeps me going!


By:  Sheila Roberts

Published:  September 25, 2012

Sweet Dreams Chocolate Company has been in the Sterling family for generations, ever since Great-Grandma Rose literally dreamed up her first fabulous recipe. But now it looks as if they’re about to lose Sweet Dreams to the bank—and that would be a disaster, not only for the family but for the town of Icicle Falls, Washington. Can Samantha, the oldest daughter and new head of the company, come up with a way to save it?
After Samantha does some brainstorming with her mother and sisters, inspiration strikes. They’ll have a chocolate festival! Time’s running out, but the Sterling women are determined and the town’s behind them, so everything’s bound to go smoothly .
Or not. Events seem to be conspiring against Samantha, and her mother’s attempts to help aren’t helping. To make matters worse, the fate of her company is in the hands of her archenemy, Blake Preston, the bank manager with the football-hero good looks. It’s enough to drive her to chocolate. But Blake’s also enough to convince her that (believe it or not) there’s something even better than chocolate.

After reading a Sheila Roberts' book, you are sure to feel good about life, love and friendships.  Her books are inspiring and perfect for curling up on the couch with.  Early this year, I read and reviewed Roberts' book, ON STRIKE FOR CHRISTMAS and highly recommend it for women who are fed up with all the exhausting details of preparing for the holidays.  It will put you in the right frame of mind and keep you laughing.  See my review HERE.

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Sheila Roberts lives in the Pacific Northwest. She's happily married and has three children. Her books have been printed in several different languages and have been chosen for book clubs such as Doubleday as well as for Readers Digest Condensed books. Her best-selling novel ON STRIKE FOR CHRISTMAS was made into a movie and appeared on the Lifetime Movie Network. Her novel ANGEL LANE was named one of Amazon’s Top Ten Romances for 2009. When she's not making public appearances or playing with her friends, she can be found writing about those things near and dear to women's hearts: family, friends, and chocolate.

Sheila Roberts will be traveling to promote her book throughout Washington state during the months of October and November.  For more information, check out her website,

To read an excerpt from the book BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE, click HERE.

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Pick up your copy of Better Than Chocolate at Amazon:

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