Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Celebrates 150 Years of Children's Publishing

Watching this video reminded me of books from my childhood as well as some of our favorites that we read to our children over the years.

Another favorite of mine although my cover looks much different. I remember reading this over and over.  I can't wait to share it with our daughter. 

I still have my copy of MARY POPPINS and it is still an all-time favorite movie of mine. This is another book that I will be sharing with our daughter.

We loved reading CURIOUS GEORGE to the kids.

THE LITTLE HOUSE is one of my all-time favorite stories.  If you haven't read it with your kids, get it now!

I had forgotten about THE GIANT JAM SANDWICH until this video.  Oh, what a fun story!

THE LITTLE RED HEN is a classic!

We found out about THE NAPPING HOUSE late in our kids life, but still a great story!

You can't celebrate Christmas without reading THE POLAR EXPRESS!

FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED is one that should be read to every child!

I can recite the entire book of TIME FOR BED.  We read that every single night for years! Whenever I see this book, I get a little pain in my heart remembering all those nights of snuggling and reading with our kids. I now buy it for every baby gift!

MR.WUFFLES is on my list to purchase and read to the storytime kids.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has been a publishing giant for children's literature and it doesn't look like they are slowing down at all.  Thanks for all the great books and memories you have given our family!

Visit their website, http://www.hmhco.com/
Follow their blog, HERE.
Follow them on Facebook, HERE.
Follow them on Instagram, HERE.
Follow them on Twitter, HERE.
Follow them on Pinterest, HERE.

You can purchase any of the above books by clicking on the photo.  If you purchase through these links, I will earn a small commission without you paying a cent more for your purchase.  I appreciate you supporting SincerelyStacie.com reviews.

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