Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Life is Not a Race...

Many of you know that I'm a mom with three active kids. I'm also a devoted wife who likes to take spontaneous lunch dates with her husband. I am also a substitute teacher that recently has been more full-time than part-time. I'm a community volunteer who just finished a huge campaign to purchase new band uniforms for our school. Finally, I'm supposed to be reading books and writing book reviews to share with my audience.

Well, lately, it has been a bit hard to keep up with all of these items as well as the many other hats I've been wearing lately. I'm exhausted, anxious, and overwhelmed over my never-ending list of tasks that don't seem to get done.

This weekend I'm making a 7-hour drive to meet my new great-niece and celebrate her sister's 2nd birthday. Then I'll be traveling again for Thanksgiving. The next week, I will again be traveling to visit my dear friend and another niece in Colorado. Amongst all this, I'll be shopping and preparing our family for the Christmas season. Then we will be taking a quick family trip after Christmas. So, needless to say, I have a lot of my plate.

But, I am so thankful to be able to have a full plate. I'm blessed to have family to visit and the time to do so. I'm blessed to have a husband that picks up the slack when I'm overwhelmed. I'm thrilled to be able to get away and spend time with those I care about.

So, I'll be slowing down my posts from now through the end of 2015. I'll be finishing up my commitments and posting a few extras, but for the most part, my family will be my focus during this precious holiday season.

Thank you for supporting me and hanging around, both when I am active and when I am not.

Dr.Wayne Dyer couldn't have said it better when he said,

Life is not a race; it is a journey, 
something to be enjoyed each day. 

I'm enjoying the journey each and every day and I hope that you relish in the moments this holiday season, absorbing the joy of a child, the laughter of a friend, and the hug of a loved one. 

A post from today 2 years ago - Braces in Our House
A post from today 3 years ago - So Thankful Days 17 and 18
A post from today 5 years ago - Blessing #18
A post from today 6 years ago - A Thought for the Day

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