Tuesday, July 26, 2016

My Inspiration This Week from Reading the Bible in 90 Days - Exodus 14:14

Five years ago, I started the Bible in 90 Days Reading Plan, 
reading with over a thousand others across the world. 
At that time, I only made it to the Book of Jeremiah, about a month before the finish. 
I was disappointed in myself but knew I could try it again.

A few weeks ago, I came across my bookmark for the Bible in 90 Days 
and was thinking about starting the reading again on my own, without a scheduled group. 

I decided to pray about it and wait and see if this was really the right time to do it.

Then a week or so after that day, I received an email from one of the bloggers I follow and leader from the last Bible in 90 Days and guess what, she was starting another session that next week.

I felt like her email was meant for me and knew it was just the nudge I needed.
I commented right away, before I could change my mind, and said I would join her.

Amy at Mom's Toolbox is one busy lady. In fact, during the first week of the readings, she was traveling in Europe during most of that week. If she can find time to read, then I certainly can too.

So, last Monday (July 18) we started reading and the reading should be done October 15, 2016. 

Yes, I will have a lot going on in the coming weeks and will make it very tough for me to find the time, but over this last week, I realized it is very doable. During some down time, rather than going on social media, I would open my Bible app and read. 

I'm not pressuring myself like last time to journal and take notes. I'm just reading...mostly from the app on my phone. That makes the Bible available whenever and wherever I want to read it. Whether I have 5 minutes or an hour. I'm highlighting passages I want to remember, but nothing further. I am just reading and soaking it in.  That alone has made the reading so much easier.

I wanted to share one verse that impacted me last week.
 We read Genesis and Exodus last week and my verse comes from Exodus 14:14. 

"The Lord will fight for you;
you need only to be still."
Exodus 14:14

When I'm struggling with something, I am usually very agitated, always searching for answers, and worrying about my next move. 
This was a reminder I needed to just let God do all that. 
I just need to be patient and be still.

I'll try to share something each week from my reading that impacted me.
It isn't too late to join in the Bible in 90 Days reading. I'd love to read along with you. 
Check in HERE and get your daily reading assignments. 

A post from today, 6 years ago - Hummingbirds

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