Monday, August 1, 2016

My Inspiration this Week from Reading the Bible in 90 Days - Deuteronomy 5:33

Five years ago, I started the Bible in 90 Days Reading Plan, reading with over a thousand others across the world. At that time, I only made it to the Book of Jeremiah, about a month before the finish. I was disappointed in myself but knew I could try it again.

On July 18, 2016, I joined Amy at Moms Toolbox and many others to Read the Bible in 90 Days again. Many of these passages are coming back to me both from reading before as well as during my years of in depth Bible Study during Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)

Last week's reading included Leviticus, Numbers and a good chunk of Deuteronomy. Much of it is tedious to read regarding laws, sacrifices, and family geneology. But, plowing through is important and there is a reason behind these teachings. Just be thankful that every time we sin, we don't have to sacrifice a lamb or bull. Although during my "monthly visit" I wouldn't mind a 7 day sabattacal! ;) All that aside, there were numerous important lessons from last week.  The one I would like to focus on really sums up the week and the reason why I am reading the Bible to begin with.

Walk in obedience 
to all that the Lord your God 
has commanded you,
so that you may live and prosper
 and prolong your days
in the land that you will possess.
Deuteronomy 5:33

By walking in obedience with Him, following His teachings, asking for His forgiveness, trusting His faith, and being thankful for His grace, we are allowed a life with Him forever.

A post from today, 5 years ago - Some Aha Moments
A post from today, 2 years ago - Our Vacation to Michigan

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