Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How Will I Make A Difference?

I have thought about what I want to accomplish this year and how I can make a difference. I have focused a lot on myself because I believe that if I feel happy, then I am more likely to make a difference to others because of my attitude. So, here goes...

1. Pray more often...I have found to really enjoy that quiet time with the Lord and need it to bring calm into my life.
2. Yell less...I am a yeller and I hate it...so I want to really focus on taking a breath and not reacting with yelling.
3. Keep my house in better order...staying on top of the house cleaning so it doesn't get so overwhelming for me and thus reduces my stress level.
4. Planning meals.....to avoid the dreaded 5PM panic of what's for supper and again reducing my stress level.
5. Make more 1 on 1 time for each child...this time with my kids will be gone before I know it and I want to have more of that time with each one, talking and doing something they enjoy!
6. Make more time with Pat...our couple time seems to take a back seat right now...it seems we get a sitter more for meetings than for us to actually spend time together. Ridiculous!
7. Read more...I love to read. I need to turn off the TV and read...more than just my book club book, but books that I want to read. I would like to read at least 2 books a month!
8. Learn how to knit...I have wanted to do this for a long time and I really want to try to find time for that this year.
9. Work on my relationships with my sisters...this is a hard one for me, and it has to be a 2 way street, but I am very sad about the state of our relationships and want to make an effort to improve them, at least from my end. I can't control what they do with that effort. I just need to feel I have tried my best.
10. Workout...I want to get into better shape. Who doesn't? I enjoy Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home program and I have a great pilates DVD. So, until spring arrives...this is my plan. To interchange these DVD's throughout the week and hopefully drop 1 size and feel better physically and emotionally!

Ten things...none of them too difficult...All of them will take planning and effort on my part. So, along with these 10 items and the Monday Matters program...I should be glowing with happiness and stress free by the end of 2009! I hope so! Let's make it happen!

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