Monday, January 5, 2009

Mondays Matter: Week 1

Time is a non-renewable resource. Once it's used up, you can't get it back. Time spent on what matters most is never a waste of time.

Action Steps:
1. Stop and Think...then make a list of what matters most to you.
2. Create a list...of how you currently spend your time each week.
3. Organize...your list of weekly activities and identify required vs optional ones (time wasters)
4. Rearrange...your schedule or reduce the optional activities so you can spend time doing WHAT MATTERS MOST.
5. Don't waste time.

Ok, so for me...I know I waste a lot of time during the day. I can get sucked into the internet...checking emails, reading blogs, being on facebook, etc. So, I know I need to limit that time. I also sleep later than I should. I have always been someone who liked to sleep I could get up earlier and find more time in my day instantly. I also waste time in the evening watching TV. I really try to limit the shows I watch...but I do have my favorites. I need to stop the watching of shows I watch just because I am avoiding doing something else.

1. My husband
2. My kids
3. My family
4. My friends
5. My faith
6. My happiness
7. My community

So, from that list I can then focus on what I want to accomplish this year. So, I am going to work on that today and hope to post it tomorrow. Be sure to look at the previous post and leave a comment to win your own copy of this book!

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