Thursday, March 12, 2009

Say What You Mean!

I ran across this quote today and it reminded me of a situation I had with my husband this week.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

For several days, something had been bothering me and I had been putting off discussing it with my husband. Then I was gone for 3 days and the issue kept festering in my mind and affecting my sleep as well as the way I was relating with my husband. So, finally, I decided to bring it up. I wish I had brought it up right away. My husband immediately noticed I was upset and came and sat next to me, listened to me, and heard me out. We discussed it and he appreciated me bringing it up with him. I suddenly felt lighter and finally got a good nights sleep. So, I was reminded I need to say what I feel and speak the truth. It makes things a lot easier from the beginning. If the person you have an issue with really matters, then they won't mind you being honest with them and talking it out.

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