Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm Back!

Christmas morning after the kids had torn through their presents from Santa I decided to check my email. I wish I hadn't. I had a email from Blogger stating that my blog had been removed due to SPAM! WHAT?????????? I didn't have any spam on my blog and there was no way to send an email or call someone and I didn't have the time to do that on Christmas morning anyway. How could someone remove my blog on CHRISTMAS MORNING???? It was just fine the night before. I was crushed! It was not the way to spend my Christmas morning and it really set the tone for the rest of the day. I cried over all the memories I had blogged about that I thought were lost and what my friends would think when my blog was no longer there. I was miserable. I felt like part of me was gone and I didn't know if I had the energy to fight to get it back. Then yesterday I decided to take some time to investigate and found on my dashboard a way to "restore your blog". I was elated. So, if this ever happens to your is a computer glitch. They are working hard to reduce the amount of "Spam Blogs" out there (which I am happy about) and the silly computer thought mine was one of those. But, after sending the note that mine was NOT SPAM....I am back and as good as ever! I am frustrated that this had to happen to me on Christmas morning, but the important thing is that I AM BACK!

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