Monday, December 21, 2009

Lucky Girl!

I was blessed again with more winnings! Today I received 2 books that I am very excited about!

I received The Stained Glass Pickup directly from author Cathy Messecar! This little book is a gathering of meditations that you could read once/week as there are 52 of them. In this book, you will discover God waiting for you in unpredictable places. Through poignant stories, Cathy points you to the ONE who created you - the ONE who is waiting for you in the details and chaos of everyday life. That sounds like just what I need to slow down and ground my in my daily, crazy life! Cathy's book is available at for $8.79. What a great a"New Year's" gift for someone special in your life! I can't wait to get into my copy!

Cathy Messecar is also a co-author of another book that she sent me. A Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts was written by Cathy Messecars, Terra Hangen, Trish Berg, Leslie Wilson, Karen Robbins, and Brenda Nixon. In this book you will discover how to bring harmony to this busy month. Find tips for family traditions, connecting generations, children, gift giving, how to grow myrrh, and more. Try their scrumptions "Cookie Canister" recipes. Read about other families who experienced Christmas firsts. A book to help you uncomplicate Christmas, rediscover the real source of joy, and usher in the celebration of faith, family and a Savior.
I link to their blog site in my list to the right. Check it out at This book is full of quotes, stories, new ideas and yummy recipes. This would be a great gift for a newly married couple or a couple with a new baby....ready to start their own new traditions. Or maybe for someone who is starting over and needs to incorporate some new traditions. Or even for someone like me, who is overwhelmed at Christmas (at times) and maybe needs to new ideas to simplify all the craziness of the season. Just flipping through it this morning, there are so many recipes I want to try and ideas I am interested in reading more about. I have seen this book at several Christian book stores and it is also available at for $13.59.
So, thank you to Cathy for sending me these awesome books. You will likely see future posts about things I have read and related to in these books. Cathy, you have blessed me today!


Cathy Messecar said...

Stacie, Thank you for the nice mini-reviews of books. I'm happy you won them and happy that they arrived in time for Christmas.

Enjoy the little and big moments in the next few days.

Wandering Writer said...

Congratulations Stacie! Enjoy our book and Cathy's too!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Terra said...

I can tell you are just like me in adoring to win a book, or in this instance, two books.
I am one of the co-authors of the Christmas book and I think you will enjoy reading it.
Merry Christmas.

Brenda Nixon, Author and Speaker said...

Hey, thanks for the comment about our Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts.