Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Snippets 9.7.14

On Sundays I share snippets from our life here in small town Iowa.
Now that the school year is in full swing,
our kids are involved in all kinds of activities.
You'll see a lot of those photos here,
as well as others from our family
and even our community.
We live the small town (pop 700) life
 here in Iowa and love it.

On Labor Day we traveled to my parents in NE Iowa. 
We spent the morning helping my mom with a huge project. 
To read about that, click HERE
A bunch of us made a dream come true for my mom and it was a special day.

After that project was complete, we went to their house
where another crew was trimming the trees on their lawn.
So, we got there just in time to pick up the branches
and rake up the leaves.

The house I grew up in. 
My parents moved in just before I was born, over 42 years ago.
Lots of memories here. 

The crew getting the branches and leaves picked up.

Tuesday we headed to another Cross Country meet after school.  
Pat and Reagan took an opportunity to rest before the race got started.

It really was a beautiful day for a meet.
 Maybe a little warm for the runners, 
but perfect for those of us on the sidelines.


This time the meet was a JV girls, then a JV boys race. 
Then a Varsity girls and Varsity boys race.

Patrick ran in the JV boys race.
He did an awesome job, 
finishing in 21:17 and in 15th place.

Marching Band season kicked off Friday night. 
Patrick plays the snare drum.
I have been so anxious to see their performance.
We live right next to the football field,
so I have been hearing them practice all through
band camp and every morning.

The band performed the National Anthem before the football game.

Then, of course, the Bobcat Fight Song to kick off the Varsity game.

Then during half-time, they performed their competition routine,
It was so awesome!
I am a super proud Marching Bobcat Mom.
Our first competition is September 20th. 
I can't wait to see how we do!

Thanks for sharing in some of the joys from our week.
Be sure to appreciate
 all the big and small moments from your life this week.

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