Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Moral of the Story

About 11 years ago, when Patrick was one and Bennett was a newborn, I did something I swore I would never do again..............until today.

After Bennett was born, I went to Target to get groceries and diapers and all those things you need when you have a newborn and a one-year-old.  I remember it was an exhausting trip.  I was tired, the kids were cranky, and I finally got everything I needed and got to the checkout only to realize...............


Yep, all that work for nothing.  I left it all behind and went out to the van and cried.  I remember calling my husband and crying to him.  I just felt like I was going to fall apart.  So, since then I have been very careful about making sure I always have my wallet with me.

Until today......

Last night I had taken my wallet to the ball games in my "Game Bag" and forgot to move it back to my purse.  So, today after shopping for new clothes for family photos next week and getting some gifts...all this with those same two boys who are now 12 and 10.....I got to the register to pay for my purchase.....and no wallet.  I did have my checkbook so wrote out the check, but their little machine said I had never written a check there before and needed my driver's license number....which I didn't have.

So, there I was, forced to leave all my hard work behind (at least they will hold it for me til tomorrow) and come home empty handed AGAIN!  Luckily I did have some cash in my wallet.....so what did we do??????

Well......I didn't cry.....my hormones must be better able to adapt to these situations now.......Instead we went and got ICE CREAM!

The moral of the story.................ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR WALLET!

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