Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tips for Quick Ways to Pamper Yourself from Take Lessons

School is back in session here. I usually try to spend the first day of school treating myself, but this year I ended up subbing the first three days of school. Then the rest of the week was full of appointments and running errands, so I really didn't have any time to just relax and pamper myself. In years past I have met a girlfriend for lunch, gotten a pedicure, shopped, or lazily read a book on my porch those first days of school.

Self-Care is an important part staying sane as a busy mom. By taking 30 minutes (or even more if possible) to do something just for you each day, you are refreshing yourself and giving your body and mind a jump start that will allow you to get through the dreaded after school/supper/bedtime hours.

Do you have a favorite show that you can DVR and watch 30 minutes before the kids get home? We DVR all the "Friends" episodes so if I have had an especially stressful day, I will start an episode at 3:00 which gives me the perfect amount of time to watch it before my daughter gets home. Every episode puts me in a good mood and gives me a chance to relax.

Obviously, reading a book is one of my go-to ways to pamper myself and relax. Depending on how much I want/need to read, I'll put my phone away and open up my book to read for the last hour before school is out.

Baking can be very therapeutic for me. Having cookies fresh out of the oven for an after school snack puts my kids off in the right mood and making the cookies has refocused my energy and allowed me to relax and enjoy a cookie talking about our day together.

I like to try to get my Bible reading done in the morning, but that doesn't always happen, so finding time to read a chapter or a few verses on my phone automatically calms me down and helps me refocus if needed.

I like to play word games. Some of my favorites are Scrabble, Words with Friends, WordBubbles. Playing these games for a few minutes brings me joy and gives me a chance to relax.

There are obviously many other ways to pamper yourself and relax.  Take Lessons has come up with a great post about pampering yourself and I'm sharing it here with you today. Just taking 30 minutes (or even less) at some point during your day will give your body and mind a chance to refocus and finish strong.

To see many other great ideas for taking a break with even as little as just 10 minutes of time, click HERE.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I always got a big group of friends to go out to breakfast after we got the kids off on the first day of school. I hope you get some "me" time in!