Monday, May 23, 2011

Moving on to the Next Thing

This weekend we finished up our soccer season with all three of the kids.  As I posted on Saturday, it was fitting that we finished it in the rain.  Most of our soccer games seemed to have been played that way this season.  Patrick also scored his first goal ever in Saturday's game.  He really has made strides in his soccer skills this year and I could see this being a great sport for him. 

Sunday, we headed in for Bennett's last flag football game.  The weather was wonderful but there was talk of potential storms popping up.  Unfortunately, before the game was over, the sirens were going off telling us there was a tornado warning.  So, the game ended and everyone headed home.  After getting home and hearing about all the devastating tornados in the Midwest, I was thankful that it didn't hit in Cedar Rapids.  Hundreds of children and families were out in the open football complex area.  No where to go...only one exit out of the complex.  A tornado hitting there would have been horrific.  I can't imagine how families in Minneapolis or Joplin are feeling this morning.  I am thankful Cedar Rapids wasn't hit, but heartbroken for the towns that were.  Donations to the Red Cross, UMCOR, or other disaster organiztions will be greatly needed, especially with Alabama still recoving from theirs. 

This week we start our last 4 days of school.  There won't be a lot of "schooling" going on as today is the annual Talent Show, tomorrow the 4th grade field trip, Wednesday is the Spelling Bee and Thursday they will be done at 1:00 PM.  It will be a fast week.  I am trying to plan our summer days.  This year we are lucky to have 87 days of Summer Fun, which is our most ever I think.  Stay tuned for more on that......

Have a wonderful week and count your blessings and while counting, help others who need it.

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