Monday, May 9, 2011

The Circle Cupcakes

Once a year, I am in charge of hosting our Ladies' Circle at our church.  I am the youngest member and enjoy getting together with the "older" ladies of our congregation.  But, sometimes, the pressure of hosting can be heavy.  I feel like the tables need to be decorated just right for the season.  I feel like the dessert I prepare has to be unique, yet delicious.  I don't want it to be discussed at coffee the next morning about how my dessert bombed! 

So, this year, I had gotten an idea from my Gooseberry Patch Tip-A-Day calendar. (You know I love those Page-A-Day Calendars!).  On April 3rd, it suggested making upside-down pineapple cupcakes.  I thought they sounded yummy and easy, so decided that was going to be my dessert for Circle.

Upside-Down Pineapple Cupcakes
1 Yellow (Butter Recipe) Cake Mix plus ingredients on box
2 big cans crushed pineapple, drained
brown sugar
melted butter

Grease your muffin tins and preheat your oven according to cake mix directions.  Mix up your cake mix according to package directions.  Place 1 Tablespoon crushed pineapple in bottom of muffin tin.  Then sprinkle 1 Tablespoon brown sugar on top of pineapple.  Then take a tsp of melted butter and pour over top.  Then drop the cake mix into the tins filling almost to the top.  Bake as directed for cupcakes and checking for doneness with a toothpick.  Cool and flip out the cupcakes from the tin.  Top with Cool Whip if desired.

So, I think I survived the Ladies of the Church Circle and wasn't heckled at the next morning's coffee.  BUT, I will NOT make these AGAIN!!!  First of all, I didn't think ahead.  I only have 1-12 tin muffin tin, so I could only do one batch at a time.  I didn't think about the fact that I would have to CAREFULLY flip each of these cupcakes out of the tin, and place them nicely on the serving platter without them falling apart.  I didn't think about the time for cooling before removing from the pan and then washing before starting the next batch.  I didn't THINK!  So, this whole dessert took me 2 HOURS to complete.....ON MY AFTERNOON OFF....when it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY outside! 

So, needless to say, I was a little frustrated with the baking of these cupcakes, but they were a hit with the ladies and were quite delicious.  So, if you have a better system for getting these out of the pan effortlessly....please share....until then I will enjoy some regular cupcakes.

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