Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not the Way to Start My Week

Monday morning my alarm went off and I got up and went to the bathroom.  Nothing unusual so far.......then.....
I started having pressure and pain in my lower abdomen.  I felt like I had to go to the bathroom constantly.  The first thought that went to my mind was a UTI.  I didn't want to deal with that this week - my first week off after working for 8 weeks.  I had PLANS!  But, within the next 1 1/2 hours the pain became more intense and traveled to my lower right side of my back.  I knew I was probably in trouble.  So, my husband took me into the clinic and to my surprise, after a CT Scan confirmed it....I had a Kidney Stone.  That was the last thing I was expecting to hear.  So, I was sent home to rest, drink lots and lots of water, and wait.  I ended up sleeping most of Monday afternoon and then attending our boys' baseball game.  I had some mild cramping, but nothing major and slept all night.
Tuesday, I was supposed to meet up with my BFF for the day.  She is moving to Nashville, TN in a week and it was supposed to be our last hurrah.  Well, I cancelled because I didn't want to get stuck somewhere, unable to drive, and in major pain.  But, what do best friends do when something falls through.....they come to you!  My BFF Tammy drove all the way to my house and spent the day with me.  Even though I was feeling fine.  We watched cooking shows, E News and Oprah's network.  She brought me my favorite bagel from Panera and we caught up on our lives.  So, even though we weren't shopping or eating out, we still had a great time and I am so grateful to her for driving to see me! *HUG*

Day 3 and I still haven't had any pain or trouble from my kidney stone.  I keep waiting for the pain to hit, but, I've decided I need to go along with my plans and hope that I have already passed that tiny 1-2mm stone and the worst is over.  I'm not going to let a kidney stone ruin my week!

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