Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review: Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life by Stephanie O'Dea

TOTALLY TOGETHER:  Shortcuts to an Organized Life
By: Stephanie O'Dea
To Be Published August 2, 2011

TOTALLY TOGETHER: Shortcuts to an Organized Life is the indispensable guide to organizing a busy household so anyone can have a tidy and tranquil home in just minutes a day.  It provides a practical, how-to guide in a weekly calendar format to make home organization and time management a snap.

I have been a follower of Stephanie O'Dea's blogs for quite awhile now.  Both of them are on my right sidebar under the BLOGS I FOLLOW section.  They are A YEAR OF CROCKPOTTING and TOTALLY TOGETHER JOURNAL.  So, when I had the opportunity to review her newest book, TOTALLY TOGETHER, I jumped at the opportunity and read it right away. 

Stephanie O'Dea is a mother of three and has very practical tips for running a household whether you have children or not.  Some of the things she suggested I was already doing, like having our children participate in the daily chores.  Others, I am thinking about implementing even though it would change my current routine, such as doing 1-2 loads of laundry/day.  Right now I spend an entire day or two doing 10-12 loads of laundry.  I also loved her "keeping your bathroom spotless" ideas!

The best part of the book was the surprise at the end.  I didn't realize there was going to be a calendar included.  The calendar starts on September 1st, but you could adapt it to start whenever it works for you.  I usually purchase calendars that begin in August, so this will work great for me to start using in September.  Each week is set up with your "Daily 7" (the chores you must do every day), as well as other chores sprinked thoughout the month such as cleaning the microwave, dusting ceiling fans, and buying all birthday cards/gifts for the month.  There are also "Family Meeting" ideas for each week and  ideas to keep the "WoMom" (the Woman behind the Mom) sane.  There isn't a lot of space to keep track of appointments and kids' activities so you may have to write small or just use this calendar for household tasks. There is also a photocopy ready grocery list to work from and meal planning charts to use.  The book is just the right size and could easily fit in your purse if needed.  O'Dea also gives excellent tips for planning for the holiday season.

If you are looking for a jumpstart to organizing your home, O'Dea's tips are sure to get you motivated.  Everything in the book is very manageable and gives tips for getting your whole family involved.  Buy implementing her ideas, your home can always be "company ready" in just minutes.  Who doesn't want their house to be that picked up?

TOTALLY TOGETHER: Shortcuts to an Organized Life will be available for purchase on August 2, 2011.  You can pre-order from Amazon for just $8.72, HERE.  For more information on Stephanie O'Dea and her other best-selling books, check out

Thanks to Erin at Penguin Group for sending me a copy of this book for review.  I was only given a copy of this book for review and was not compensated in any other way.  This review is my honest opinion.  I wouldn't review anything that wouldn't benefit myself or my family. 

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