Friday, July 15, 2011

Things I Love -Summer Ball Season

Things I Love...

This is my feature where I get to share something that I just love. Since you are my friends, I like sharing things I love with others. It could be anything from a new product, food, recipe, song, image, to a person and everything in between. This will be something I am completely doing on my own, without pressure or compensation from a company, author, PR/Marketing firm, friend, business owner, etc. This will just be something that makes me happy and I want to share it with you. Enjoy some love!

Today's love is...........................Summer Ball Season

All three of our kids play summer ball.  Our daughter played T-Ball for the first time this summer.  The boys were on our town's Little League team together.  So, most weeks we had 3 games to attend each week. My husband helps to coach the boys' team, so our daughter and I would set up the chair and blanket, get some popcorn or a walking taco and settle in for a few hours.  She would play with her friends and I would chat with the moms and cheer on our boys. It is always so much fun to watch them improve in their hitting and fielding.  Their confidence builds up over the season and they get so excited when they have a hit or make a catch or get an out.  Even though we didn't have a winning season, I saw huge improvement in many of our players.  It was sad to see the season end after the boys were really getting "in their grove".  Now that our games are over, summer is starting to wind down.  As of today, there are only 38 days left of summer.  Once you fit in a week-long summer class for me, vacation, dr appts, school shopping, and a few more pool days, summer will be over.  So, I'm going to try and cherish every last sunny day. 

Here are some photos from our ball season.  Enjoy the rest of your summer days!

1 comment:

Sincerely Iowa said...

How fun!

My oldest daughter has been playing softball since she was three years old. Started out with t-ball, and now has a starting position on our high school varsity team. I definitely agree with you that watching your kids play a sport is FUN, and it's even more enjoyable when they truly have a passion for the sport.

Enjoy the summer!