Friday, July 8, 2011

Things I Love - Orange Julius

Things I Love...

This is my feature where I get to share something that I just love. Since you are my friends, I like sharing things I love with others. It could be anything from a new product, food, recipe, song, image, to a person and everything in between. This will be something I am completely doing on my own, without pressure or compensation from a company, author, PR/Marketing firm, friend, business owner, etc. This will just be something that makes me happy and I want to share it with you. Enjoy some love!

Today's love is...........................ORANGE JULIUS

This past weekend we traveled to Des Moines for a little weekend getaway.  While shopping at the Jordan Creek Mall my husband noticed the ORANGE JULIUS counter.  It had been a long time since we had seen one of those and he bought one.  We realized our kids had never tried it and we had forgotten how goooooood they were.  YUM!  Our kids loved it and drank it right up.  I promised when we got home,  I would try to find the recipe online and make it.  Well, sure enough I found several recipes for it online, but the one that worked for me was from  So, if you need a little ORANGE JULIUS in your day, get out your blender and whip one up!

6 oz frozen orange juice concentrate
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Water
1/4 cup Sugar
1 tsp vanilla
8 Ice Cubes

Blend together until ice is all blended with the ingredients.  Makes 2 8oz servings. 

Trust'll take you back to the good-ol' days of shopping at the mall with your friends, drinking an ORANGE JULIUS! If you have an ORANGE JULIUS at your local mall, you better go run out and buy one! :)

1 comment:

Sincerely Iowa said...

Jordan Creek Mall? You were right over in my neck of the woods! lol

I haven't had an Orange Julius in YEARS... that sounds so good!