Thursday, June 28, 2012

Book Review: Your Daughter Needs A Hero by Maria C. Furlough


By: Maria C. Furlough

Published: March 13, 2012


I'll never forget the very first time I looked in the mirror and thought I was fat.  I was nine years old and spending my Saturday afternoon like I always did, locked in my room with a Teen Bop magazine.  This specific Saturday would forever change the way I looked in that mirror.  Reading my magazine, a picture of Tiffany Amber Thiessen stood out to me.  I looked in the same mirror that had brought so much joy and entertainment, and I thought, I don't look like her.  I am not as skinny as she is.  And that was it.  From then on, I was ruined.  The realization hit me like a ton of bricks:  I don't look like the girls in the magazines.  

The above preface was how the author felt during her teenage years.  I could totally relate to the author's memories as well.  I too remembered measuring myself to the girls in Teen Bop Magazine or Seventeen Magazine, wanting the clothes they were wearing, wishing my hair was like theirs, trying to get my make-up to look like theirs, etc.  It was a losing battle for me.  It is easy as an adult to fall into that trap as well....wanting to look more like your favorite TV Star or even your fit/athletic friend.  We are constantly comparing ourselves and measuring ourselves up against others.

But, this book is more than just how we as adult women feel, but how our feelings play out to our daughters. This book is about equipping us to be the mom and dad our daughters need.  Even though our daughter is only 7, there are plenty of passages in this book that we have already come across even though it is mainly relating to your daughter as a teenager.  Children are asked to grow up faster than we ever did and this book has prepared me well for those situations I will be forced to address much too soon.

I also found while reading this, that it has also prepared me for helping our sons grow up and how they will be expected to treat girls and future girlfriends and wives.  I am also aware of insecurities boys can have and I think this book will help you address those for both boys and girls.

From the pages of this book, what seemed to be in BOLD PRINT and ALL CAPS to me was how I express and talk about myself and my body, as well as what I put into it and do to stay active.  Your children are ALWAYS watching and if nothing else, this book was a huge reminder to me of that.  Even though, it seems obvious, I needed the reminder.

This book is presented from a Christian point of view, which I appreciated.  The chapters are full of scriptures and prayers to support your reading and reinforce the expectations we have of our children.  If you have a "tween" or "teenage" daughter in your house, I think this book is something that should be read by moms, dads, daughters, aunts, grandmas, anyone who has a major role in your daughter's life.  I know I will be re-reading and referring to it again and again.

Maria Furlough has her own website and ministry dedicated to helping each other know our true worth.  Check out  There you can learn more about Furlough's ministry, her book, and sign up to receive her newsletter.

Thanks to the author and for sending me an autographed copy of the book.  This review is my honest opinion and I only review products that will benefit myself or my family.  I was not compensated in any other way for this review.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stacie, I am so thankful for you and your affirmation that Moms and Dads everywhere can have a HUGE impact on their daughters. Thank you for being a part of this ministry with me! If you were able to glean even the smallest bit of wisdom from this book, than it was all worth it for me.

Maria Furlough