By: Paul Magrs
Published: December 23, 2015
Publisher: Obverse Books
In December of 2014, I introduced you to THE STORY OF FESTER CAT. See my review, HERE. Paul Magrs wrote of how Fester Cat came into his and his partner, Jeremy's lives. He shared of the uncanny way that Fester fit into their lives so seamlessly. When Fester died, they were lost and lonely. After struggling with how to introduce a new cat into their lives and weeks researching shelters, Bernard Socks was welcomed into their home. This is his story....or is it still Fester's?
Magrs still writes using Fester's voice like he did in THE STORY OF FESTER CAT, but this time, it is Fester as a cat ghost. Fester can stick around and keep an eye on his family because he is still loved and remembered. Once he is no longer remembered, he must leave and go on to the great cat beyond. So, Fester, even though he misses Paul and Jeremy and wants to continue to be their cat, knows that they need a new friend. He guides Bernard Socks into how to live with these gentlemen and how to live in a community of neighborhood cats.
Bernard Socks is nothing like Fester Cat, which at first is a bit frustrating to Paul, Jeremy, and even Fester Cat. But Bernard is much younger and energetic. Fester Cat shares his emotions while watching Bernard Socks lay in his favorite spots in the garden, or nuzzle up to Paul while sleeping. He shares about his first Midsummer Night, as a deceased cat, outside with all his old cat friends. After a night of exploring, Bernard Socks has Paul, Jeremy, and the entire neighborhood up all night worrying about him and looking for him. Fester Cat decides to take it upon himself to impart some wisdom and eventually encouraging Bernard Socks to return home and settle in with "the boys".
After losing our original cats and getting a new kitten a year later, I identified with a lot of the feelings and insecurities of starting over with a new cat. Paul Magrs has a talent for writing and sharing true emotions from both the cat and human's point of view. I think Fester Cat would be proud.
Favorite Quote:
"The books Paul has represent time, more than anything. All the time already spent, the hours expanding and recoverable at any given moment. They also represent time to come, in the form of the books he hasn't got round to reading yet. They stand for hundreds of hours of perfect happiness. Hours lying more or less still and content, with a cat sprawled on top of you, of course."
Paul Magrs - source |
Paul Magrs first shared the story of Fester through his blog and Facebook page and then Fester's story came to life through the book, THE STORY OF FESTER CAT. For more on Paul Magrs, check out his blog, HERE. You can also find him on Facebook, HERE and Twitter, HERE.
To purchase a copy of THE STORY OF FESTER CAT, click the photo below:
Thanks to the author for sending a copy of this book for the purpose of my review. This review is my honest opinion. I was not compensated in any way for this review. If you choose to purchase the books through the above links, I may receive a small commission without you having to pay a cent more for your purchase. Thanks for supporting
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