Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lists Lists and More Lists!

Are you a list maker?  I am!  It is the only way I can keep everything straight.  Do you ever feel like you have so much running around in your head that you don't know how you will keep it all straight?  When I start to feel that way, I know I need to start some lists.  Right now I have several lists going:
1- A list of stuff I need to get for our son's birthday party on Saturday. 
2- A list of things I need to get done before we go on vacation.
3- A list of things to TAKE on vacation.
4- A list of things to have our friends do while we are on vacation.
5- A list things I need to get DONE before the birthday party this Saturday.
6- A list of the school supplies I still need to get before school starts in about 36 days. 

Those are my lists right now.  Can you imagine how stressed I would be if I had to keep all this stuff in my head and try to remember it all?  I would go crazy, my stress level would go sky-high and I would end up grouchy and quite possibly sick and unable to enjoy all the things we have coming up.

This is such an easy way to help reduce your stress level.  You can put post-its on your bathroom mirror to remind you of what you need to get done today.  I have a dry erase board calendar where I right stuff down that needs to get done.  I also have a dry erase board where I keep running lists that I need to see on a regular basis.  I have a grocery list on my fridge and a second calenar where I can put last minute additions to my To Do list.  This may sound like a lot, but it is what keeps me sane.  Lists are my saving grace and how I stay sane in a very busy life.

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