Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Monday

I know there are some people out that who really dislike Mondays, but I try to look at them as a kick off to the week.  A way to start my week off with a positive attitude and a fresh outlook.

Today was the only day I had this week to run the numerous errands that needed to be ran.  So, I got started right away this morning. I started laundry and did a few other things before I left home. Then 5 1/2 hours, I was able to shop at Hallmark, Old Navy, Michaels, Half-Price Books, take a 1/2 hour lunch with my Kindle at Noodles and Company, pick out some flowers at Earl May and Hy-Vee Drug Store, and get a few groceries at Hy-Vee.  After stopping for gas, I made it home 10 minutes before the kids got home from school!  Phew, that was a lot of running!  I'm super excited to show you  the items I got at Michaels sometime soon.  I purchased items for 2 projects that I want to accomplish in the next week or two.  Since I am not really crafty, this is a bit out of my comfort zone, but I am hoping I can turn it into something neat.  If they turn out, I will be sure to share them here!

This weekend we pulled out our 8-year old Korean Lilac bush.  It had gotten too big for the area near our front entrance.  It didn't bloom this year and we decided it was time to do something different there.  I am looking forward to making a new area of it including our bird bath and some new flowers.  Photos to come.....

Shortly after I arrived home the phone rang and the caller id said "United States Government".  I thought, hmmmm, I should probably answer that one.  I am so glad I did.  Just over a week ago, I emailed our Senator, Charles Grassley for his help with something and his office called me back today.  I was so emotional and grateful for their assistance.  I can't wait to share with you what his office will be helping me with!

Finally, I made tacos for supper which is the family's favorite, so it was a great way to close out the day.

We are on the countdown until school is done for the year.  Only 13 school days left.  I realized last night that only 2 of those 13 days are ones that I have completely open and today was one of them.  PANIC!!!  All those things I wanted to accomplish during this school year ran through my head.  How am I going to get them done in those 2 days???  Well, I'm just not.  Maybe they will get done this summer, and maybe not.  I'm going to do my best to leave that last day that I have free open and hopefully enjoy one last quiet day at home before I am with the kids every day.  I need to start planning out our summer as well.  Could it really be here already???

How did you start out your week?  Were you cranky or were you ready to hit the ground running this morning?

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