Monday, July 13, 2015

A Little Monday Inspiration - Unplug

Everyone needs to unplug

from work, 

from responsibilities,

and from the internet

for a time. 

It's healthy, rejuvenating, and refreshing.  

This is exactly what I will be doing for the next few weeks. 
Unplugging and enjoying life! 
Not that being "plugged in" isn't enjoyable. 
But we all need a break and this is my break.

I'll be spending the next few weeks devoted to my family.

Don't worry, 
I'll also be doing lots of reading. 

I'll be back some time in August (date yet to be determined) 
to tell you all about our family fun and about the great books I read. 

Thank you for always supporting me and understanding 
that this blog is just a small part of my life. 
For understanding that I am always 
first a mom and a wife. 

I hope that you will also take some time out of your summer to... 


Almost everything will work again 
if you unplug it for a few minutes, 
including you.

Anne Lamott


bermudaonion said...

Yep, getting away from electronics is good for us. Enjoy your break!

Unknown said...

Hope you enjoy your break!