Tuesday, April 18, 2017


It's been a bit quiet on the blog lately. As the co-chair of our post-prom things got pretty hectic for me. Then, once prom was over, I needed some recovery time. I did a lot of resting and finishing up some loose ends. All I have left to do is send out final thank yous and get the prom binder ready for the next group to take over. Post Prom was a huge success and I had such a great team working with me to make sure everything went off without an issue. It was a fun night. Here is our family with our handsome boys.

Now that prom is over, I feel like I can get back to reading and writing and I actually finished two books yesterday and am close to finishing a third. I am excited about the upcoming books on my to-read list and can't wait to get started.

I thought it would be fun to give you an update on what is happening around here. Thanks for sticking around even when I go quiet for awhile.

Currently, I am

Watching..........."Friends" on Netflix. It is my go-to show when I need to have something on in the background or while I'm doing dishes or folding laundry. I don't have to totally be tuned in because I practically know every episode by heart and they always make me laugh. For regular TV shows, all I am watching right now are "Dancing with the Stars" and "Survivor". They are the only two I make sure I watch on the DVR every week. I also try to catch up on "Fixer Upper" on the DVR when I can.

Reading................I have so many great books waiting to be read, but I've read a lot of heavy books lately, so I'm looking for something a little lighter and easier to read. I WILL ALWAYS WRITE BACK is one I just started and I'm loving it already. THE GARDEN OF SMALL BEGINNINGS has been getting a lot of buzz, Plus, I just love the cover! ONE MINUTE MENTORING is a short book and one I'm hoping will offer some new ideas for me in working at the school and with the various boards and committees I am on.

Listening to...........Laura Sullivan on piano. When I am working I really love to have piano music on in the background. It is calming and also helps me focus rather than listening to music with words. My favorites on her CD are Mountain Magic and Pachelbel for the Potomac.

Making...........banana bread. Our kids love this recipe.  I have a couple bunches of ripe bananas right now so I'll make up banana bread and put the rest of the bananas in individual baggies in the freezer for smoothies. I also have three cookbooks waiting to review so I'm looking forward to trying some recipes from each of them. Stay tuned.

Feeling.........emotional. Our son Patrick is 17 today. I feel like I blinked and he went from a one-year-old to a 17-year-old. Right now we are busy with track and he is having a great season so far. I can't even handle that we are talking college and future plans for him as well as senior pictures this summer. Slow. Down. Time. Please.

Planning.......... for two, weekend trips that I am taking in the next couple weeks. One is flying and one is driving. I'll be spending time with some of my favorite people that I don't get to see as often as I want so it'll be a great time. I'm also planning out what I need to read in the next several months. I am taking a trip with the school in June and then the rest of the summer is mine. I have really no obligations or commitments so I am planning lots of days reading on my porch. I can't wait!

What have you been up to lately?
 What are you reading and loving? 

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