Monday, October 16, 2017

Quick Lit: Mini Reviews of Some Recent Reads - October Edition

I'm trying to read more books that I choose for my own reading enjoyment. Not for review, but because I've been wanting to read them or they caught my attention. Most of them have been talked about ad nauseam or have been on my to-read list for a long time so they don't really need a full review. But, I'd still like to give them some space here on the blog.

I'll be linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her monthly Quick Lit link up. Be sure to head over to see others link up their Quick Lit posts. 

I'm finishing up my third week of subbing and it has been quite an adjustment to be working every day for someone who hasn't done that in a very long time. I am awed by all the women who work full-time, make it to every single one of their kids' events and still find time to shower and sweep their floor. Most of my free-read time has been spent grading papers and doing other things that I need to catch up with at home. But, I did read some books and short stories for my classes and listened to an audiobook. I'm feeling accomplished!

By: Fredrik Backman
Published: July 15, 2014
Publisher: Atria Books
Format: Audiobook

After reading BEARTOWN this summer, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. It had been on my list for quite awhile. The audio version came up on my Bridges library account and I flew through it. Since I'm not driving around as much, I listened to it while I got ready for school every morning. It's only nine hours long and once I started I found ways to listen to while washing dishes and cleaning the house. Then when I was done, I missed Ove, Parvaneh, Rune and wanted to keep hearing about Ove's day. 

Ove is a crotchety man who still has a lot of life to live. But sadly, he doesn't feel like he can go on any longer after his wife's death. So, he starts each day, planning to kill himself, and each day, something gets in the way of that. His new neighbors with a baby on the way and his long-time neighbors keep needing him to help them and slowly, Ove is brought out of his shell. 

A MAN CALLED OVE is another favorite book for me this year and I would highly recommend reading or listening to it. 

By: Sophocles
Format: Textbook

I read this along with the sophomore honors class at school. When Antigone decides to go against Creon's law and properly bury her brother Polyneices, she starts a firestorm among the people of Thebes, the gods, and Creon. Creon is unable to see past his stubborn pride and what follows is what makes the story of Antigone a true tragedy. 

We had numerous great discussions about pride, about family values, and about doing what is right even if it is against what someone else expects you to do. 

By: James Hurst
Format: Textbook

This short story tells the story of a young boy who is frustrated by his brother's disabilities. So, he takes in on himself to help him learn to walk, swim, and other activities. The story is full of symbolism and is a great teaching tool.

By: Sandra Cisneros
Format: PDF

In looking for a short story that I could have students read, another teacher recommend this book because the chapters are all kind of a story in and of themselves. Some of the chapters are just a couple paragraphs so it made it easy for me to assign just a few of them to a group of students, yet they could still have enough to read and talk about the content. 

I found a lot of the students could relate to THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET. The characters are forced to move around a lot and finally, this house on Mango Street belongs to them. But it isn't exactly how Esperanza, a latino girl, pictured a home to be.


So, even though I'm not reading the typical books on my shelves, I'm still reading....every day. With the students, I'm currently reading OF MICE AND MEN, OEDIPUS REX, and JULIUS CAESAR. That will be enough to keep me busy this month!

Hope you have found something good to read this month!

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