Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Quick Lit: Mini Reviews of Some Recent Reads - November Edition

I'm trying to read more books that I choose for my own reading enjoyment. Not for review, but because I've been wanting to read them or they caught my attention. Most of them have been talked about ad nauseam or have been on my to-read list for a long time so they don't really need a full review. But, I'd still like to give them some space here on the blog.

I'll be linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her monthly Quick Lit link up. Be sure to head over to see others link up their Quick Lit posts. 

I've crossed the half-way mark of my long-term sub gig. But, I know with all the holiday stuff coming up and basketball season and concerts, it is going to get really crazy around here. My life is full and I'm trying to squeeze in reading when I can. I've finished a couple books with my classes and listened to an audiobook. Otherwise, I've also been trying to catch up on my podcasts as I got way behind in listening to them. 

By: Ruth Wariner
Published: April 25, 2017
Publisher: Flatiron Books
Format: Audiobook

I love memoirs and this one piqued my interest and I loved it. I listened to it on audio and it is read by the author which made it even more personal. Ruth Wariner was born into a polygamist family. Her father was murdered when she was just a few months old by his own church members. Her mother remarried another leader in their church and continued to have children. Her family lived mainly in Mexico but moved to the states a few times during various family struggles. They were always poor, living mostly on rice and beans, with no proper bathrooms, and minimal electricity. Visiting her grandparents in California would open her eyes to cartoons, macaroni and cheese, and showers. But, beyond the poverty were the abuse that her mother and Ruth suffered through, the mental illness, her siblings' handicaps. Her story is gripping and heart-breaking. But, you know she makes it out because of the book which makes it easier to get through the devastatingly awful situations she had to survive. It's an eye-opening look at the world of polygamy, poverty, and family loyalty. 

By: John Steinbeck
Published: 1937
Format: Hardcover

A classic that I have read before, but read again with the Freshman English class. A story of hard times, friendship, and loyalty. The students will be answering...."Is George a good friend to Lennie?" and I don't want to give anything away, but it is up for a heated debate!

It's a short novel about George, a small, hard-working man, and his friend, Lennie. Lennie is a big, burly guy who isn't the smartest but can work harder than anyone. Lennie seems to always be getting into trouble and after his last escapade, George and Lennie are trying out working on a ranch in California. It's the Depression and all a guy wants is to have his own place, a garden, some chicken, and don't forget.....some rabbits. Lennie gets himself into a bit a trouble and George may not be able to get him out of this one. A quick read with lots to discuss! 

By: Sophocles
Format: Paperback

Oh my....this was a tough read. Once I got into it, I could read around the difficult text and get the gist of what was going on. I'm so glad I wasn't reading this as a freshman. This has been the book for the Freshman Honors English class and they were intimidated, but we have gotten through it.

Oedipus is the new King of Thebes after solving the riddle of the Sphinx and saving the people from her torment. Laius, the former King of Thebes, had just been murdered and Oedipus is chosen as the new king and has been given Laius's wife, Jocasta. But, there is an oracle that Oedipus would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother. He doesn't believe it and his excessive pride gets in the way of him realizing what is right in front of him. Watching the students' reaction while reading this one was priceless!

I really can't wait for Thanksgiving break because I am hoping to get some time to read. Next up for school is DEATH OF A SALESMAN and we are still reading JULIUS CAESAR. I'm also reading BENEATH A SCARLET SKY (still) and listening to FOR THE LOVE: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards. May your Thanksgiving remind you to be grateful for every book, every moment of quiet, and the family around you that keeps you from reading!

I'm also joining a new link up, sharing what I've been reading at THE PRUDENT PANTRY. Check it out HERE


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have been wanting to read The Sound of Gravel. I've heard it compared to The Glass Castle a few times. Have you read that one?

bermudaonion said...

I loved The Sound of Gravel too - what an unbelievable story!