Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Bout of Books 21 Starting January 8, 2018

Bout of Books

I finally am able to participate in Bout of Books again. Bout of Books 21 Kicks off Monday, January 8, 2018. This will be the third time I have participated. The Bout of Books is a week-long Read-a-Thon. It's low pressure, which I like, and just pushes you to read a bit more than you normally would in a given week. There are fun challenges and twitter parties to keep you motivated and I always find new book bloggers to follow after the event. 

Since my reading took a downward slide during my long-term sub job, I am excited to dedicate a week to catch up on my reading!  

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see how my reading is going throughout the week. I'll do a wrap-up post here to let you know everything I read.  If you would like to join me, you don't have to have a blog to join in. Check out this post HERE to sign up and join me and other readers all over the world dedicating a week to reading! 

To see my other posts from the previous Bout of Books challenges, click HERE. The first time I participated, I read 1 1/2 books. The second time, I read 2 1/2 books. This time, I am hoping for four books. I'll have to see how this week goes with reading before I decide which books I'll be reading next week. Check in here Monday to see what I'll be hoping to read next week! 


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Have fun :)

Anonymous said...

Have you, hope you enjoy the week and your books!

Jenni Elyse said...

I hope your first day of Bout of Books was a success and that you're having fun!