Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Quick Lit: Mini Reviews of Some Recent Reads - May Edition

I'm trying to read more books that I choose for my own reading enjoyment. Not for review, but because I've been wanting to read them or they caught my attention. Most of them have been talked about ad nauseam or have been on my to-read list for a long time so they don't really need a full review. But, I'd still like to give them some space here on the blog.

I'll be linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her monthly Quick Lit link up. Be sure to head over to see others link up their Quick Lit posts.

We are five....5....FIVE days from graduation. Oh, my heart. There have been so many tears these last few weeks. It isn't that I'm sad. It is that my heart is overflowing with pride. Our son has truly ended his high school career on a high note and I am just bursting with pride and, yet sadness, that it is over. But, I am so beyond excited for his future! Bring on summer! Then I get to go through all these emotions again next year with our next son! What was I thinking 17 years ago getting pregnant again so soon????

Oh my! Well, as you can imagine, my reading time has been limited this month. I read some books for review including THE GREAT ALONE and LET ME LIE. These books below were ones I read for my own enjoyment. Enjoy!

Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time
By: Michael Perry
Published: October 8, 2002
Publisher: Harper
Format: Audiobook

I remember years ago when this book came out. The memoir is written based on the author's life in the small town of New Auburn, Wisconsin, population 485 people. This small town sits near the city of Eau Claire and the interstate. Yet, the community is able to live a relatively quiet, small-town life. Perry returns home after leaving for Wyoming and working as a nurse. After returning home, he joins the local volunteer fire department. He is introduced back to the community in some of the resident's most difficult times. He tells of a local mother dying in a car accident and having to care for her and her family that he sees every day at the local gas station.  He tells of the lives of his fellow firefighters, many of which are his family members. 

If you live or have lived in a small town in the Midwest, this book will be relatable and heartwarming to you. The audiobook is only a little over six hours in length and is read by the author himself. The last chapter of the book caught me off guard. I had to stop doing dishes to wipe my tears, listening to the author choke up as well. 

Give Yourself the Gift of Done
By: John Acuff
Published: September 12, 2017
Publisher: Portfolio
Format: Audiobook

I had been on the waitlist for this book through my library's overdrive and thankfully it came up right when I was ready for a new audiobook. This is a short listen at less than six hours. The author reads it himself and is easy to listen to.

The premise of the book is to help those of us who don't have trouble starting projects or goals but can't finish them. He gives various tips to help us get rid of the perfectionism and be content with our progress in order to finish the goal. Since I was listening to it, it was hard to always remember all the tips exactly, but the ones that stuck with me included:

  • Set your goal, then cut it in half. If you want to lose 40 pounds, change it to 20 because you are more likely to see progress and hit your goal, therefore encouraging you to keep going. 

  • "Don't let the fear of what's next, steal the joy of finishing what's now." Sometimes we purposely sabotage our own goal because of the fear of what's next. The fear of the future keeps us stagnant and not finishing. Don't be afraid to finish.
Both of these tips were beneficial to me and my own issues with finishing projects. I enjoyed listening to his book and found his tips realistic and useful. 

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