Thursday, June 14, 2018

Quick Lit: Mini Reviews of Some Recent Reads - June Edition

I'm trying to read more books that I choose for my own reading enjoyment. Not for review, but because I've been wanting to read them or they caught my attention. Most of them have been talked about ad nauseam or have been on my to-read list for a long time so they don't really need a full review. But, I'd still like to give them some space here on the blog.

I'll be linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her monthly Quick Lit link up. Be sure to head over to see others link up their Quick Lit posts.

The last month left very little time for reading. Between State Track, Graduation, Graduation Party, Graduation Party clean up, and other events sprinkled throughout, I didn't have much time for reading in the last month. Not even audiobooks, which I tried to listen to. But, my library hold ran out before I finished, so I'm patiently 😉 waiting for my turn to finish them up. 

I've recently reviewed some great children's books and just this week finished the new book from Karen White, DREAMS OF FALLING. I'm in my reading groove again now and am anxious to share what I've been reading in the next few months.

Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy
By: Emily Ley
Published: October 11, 2016
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Format: Hardcover

I have been a fan of Emily Ley for awhile and purchased her Simplified Planner for this year and I LOVE IT!! She's a Christian, a mom, and so down-to-earth that I just feel like I know her. Plus, she loves and grew up in Pensacola. My favorite place in the world!  I wish I could have read this book when our boys were toddlers. I would have been so much kinder to myself. 

I have been reading her book slowly and reflecting on it, which she encourages you to do. I highly recommend purchasing the hardcover as there is space at the end of each chapter to write and reflect. I highlighted so many pages I'm not sure where to begin. The chapter titled "The Empty Well" spoke to my life. I'm overbooked and overcommitted most of the weeks and I feel like I am not giving my best to my family or anyone else I've committed myself to. Saying "yes" is saying "no" to someone or something else and this has been such a great reminder for me in the last few months. The "Cultivate Contentment" chapter at the end of the book brought this theme full-circle for me. Ley stated, "Just like the pages of our planners, our lives could use more white space." Yes! And my summer is full of white spaces!

If you are a young mom, a professional, a college student, or an "old" mom like me, I think this book would be beneficial to you. If you are interested, check out her Instagram where she shares inspiration often. 

I just purchased her newest book A SIMPLIFIED LIFE and can't wait to dig into it. 


Anonymous said...

Interesting! I don't know much about Emily Ley, but I did buy her planner this year and I love it. The way it's designed just works with how I need to think about my days, and I've never stuck with a paper planner as long as I have this year. I may have to check this out, though--I'm really feeling the "empty well" lately, with kids home more often over the summer and so many demands in all directions.

Unknown said...

I recently read A Simplified Life and loved it. She has such good, practical advice for paring down and focusing on the important things in life. I have Grace, Not Perfection on my TBR shelf and am looking forward to picking it up!

Elena Alice said...

I read A Simplified Life recently and really liked it so I am curious about Grace, Not Perfection!