Friday, October 10, 2008

The Give Begins

A week or so ago, I signed up to participate in the 10-Day Give being sponsored by a Christian blog. I thought it was a great idea and wanted encourage others I know to do the same. I want to be a part of making other's lives better, but with everything going on in my life, sometimes I just ignore those opportunities. So, this is my chance to make sure I give of myself at least once a day to someone, anyone, whether I know them or not. There are numerous chances in any one day to accomplish this. You can start by looking in your own home, at your workplace, at the store, on your drive home, in your neighborhood, in your community, or even in the world.

You could give money, your time, your expertise, a token of appreciation, or even a smile. It could be taking someone out to lunch, buying a coffee for the person behind you in the starbucks drive through, it could be babysitting for an overworked mom, it can be as simple as giving your precious time to your child, or an elderly neighbor. There are no rules, no judges, and no right or wrong ways of doing it. Will you join me and give whatever you can? It’s only for 10 days, and maybe it will become a habit.

So starting today, I am going to give something to a different person, each day until October 19th, 2008. It doesn’t matter what the gift is, how much it costs, who it is given to, or how it is given. The point is to just to give - on purpose. I hope you'll join me! I will try to let you know what I have been doing each day! Feel free to share with me what you are doing!

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