Thursday, May 6, 2010

Missing My Friends

Six years ago tonight I lost my "friends".  I am talking about my "friends" from the hit TV show "FRIENDS".  Tonight, back in 2004, I was watching my "friends" say their goodbyes, laughing and crying and wondering how such a great show could come to an end.  After ten seasons, they had become such a big part of my regular TV viewing.  My husband and I still like to say Joey's classic phrase to each other...."How YOU doin?".  I was always envious of Rachel's hairstyles and her fashion.  Of course, I have benefited from numerous reruns over the years, but they aren't on quite as often as they used to be.  But, whenever I did catch an episode, no matter how many times I have watched it, I was always guaranteed a good laugh!

A couple weeks ago, my husband surprised me with "FRIENDS: THE COMPLETE SEASON" DVD Set.  It was something he had been wanting to get me and just decided to order it.  Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to watch any of it yet, but I am soooooo looking forward to starting with the first episode and working my way though all ten seasons. 

So, six years ago tonight, were you one of those 51.1 million people who tuned in to see what was going to happen to Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe?  You know I was!

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