Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tell the Truth Thursday

Tell The Truth Thursday

This is a new feature that I am doing along with several other blogs called Tell The Truth Thursday. We have to truthfully all answer the same question. Who knows? You might just learn something new about me and if you asked yourself the same question, you might just learn something about yourself.

Are you a morning, afternoon, evening or night time person? Has it changed over the years?

I have NEVER been a morning person.  I like to sleep in.  I don't like getting up early.  It takes me awhile to get going in the morning.  I LOVE laying in bed, even if I am awake, just enjoying the quiet and comfort of my bed.  Although a good cup of French Vanilla coffee can get me going in the morning.  I would have to say that I am an afternoon/evening person.  I can't stay up as late as I used to, but after the kids get home from school, I am usually pretty motivated to get stuff done, then after putting the kids in bed, I tend to have another burst of energy to get things done.  I also like the quietness of the house at night when the kids are sleeping.  So, this is when I might get some of my more quieter tasks complete. 

How about you?


Eliz Frank said...

Hi there,
I wrote on being a night person and how the quietness helps my creativity...I stopped by from RedHead Riter's Tell The Truth Thursday to support you. Do stop by my blog and say hello too!

Cleverly Changing said...

I have always been a morning person. I would rather sleep in, but if I arise early I can get a ton of things accomplished.

I am getting through this b-hop kind of late, but I am going to complete it tonight.

Amanda said...

I seem to get the most done in the afternoons, but every once in awhile, I will wake up with a wonderful energy and get a ton accomplished!