Sunday, January 22, 2012

Scenes From Our Week - Week 16

We had an odd week with very little school.  Monday was a scheduled No School day, Tuesday we had a late start and and early dismissal due to weather, Wednesday was a scheduled early dismissal, Thursday was a FULL DAY, and Friday No School due to weather.  So, I guess winter has officially arrived! YUCK!  I am hoping for a full week of school this week.

Reagan's family party was last Sunday and even though not everyone could make it, we still had a great time!
Reagan was super excited to get these Squinkies.
Has your daughter gotten into these?
Well now they have these Squinkie Zinkies...smaller than your pinkie!  Oh my!
Gotta have cake!  Thanks to Target, we were able to get this Hello Kitty cake.
Hey, I can't be the mom who always makes the cake! Sometimes you gotta let Target handle that job!
Bennett blowing some snow.  We got about 4 inches on Friday.
Patrick was selected for the Marion Honor Band for percussion.  Here he is playing the bass drum.
We did a little shopping before the concert and I couldn't resist this new hat for Reagan.
 It is super cute on her, don't you think?
After the concert we took the kids to Planet X.  It is basically a Chuck E Cheese for bigger kids.  The boys tried the Space Bikes, where they spun in full circles, going upside down.  Bennett didn't feel so good afterwards.
We certainly had a great week and I hope your week is full of blessings, big and small.  Look for any and all opportunities to bring joy to someone's day by sharing your smile and a kind word.  It truly can make a difference.

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