Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scenes From Our Week - Week 18, A Penguin Snack

I guess we had a busy week because I only took one photo this whole week. I had planned on taking some shots at Patrick's basketball tournament, but then I ended up keeping stats and running the clock, so I couldn't take pictures.  So, the only picture I took this week was.......

Friday was Reagan's snack day at school.  She had seen in her AMERICAN GIRL magazine these penguin snacks and had been begging to make them.  We decided to make them for her snack and she was so excited. They were also a huge hit with her classmates!

We used regular oreos, snack size oreos, and frosting (white to seal the oreos and yellow for eyes and beak).  I will say, it wasn't as easy to break or cut the oreos in half and I was glad I had purchased 2 packages to cover for all the broken wings.  But, they were relatively quick to assemble.

I will do my best to get some better photos this week!

1 comment:

Lorie said...

Those cookies are adorable!!