Friday, February 8, 2013

The Day I Was Dreading Has Arrived

Last week, I was getting ready in my bathroom and while styling my hair I noticed something.  I notice my hair looked different, like lighter or something, so I leaned into my mirror and looked closer and backed up and leaned in again.  I moved my hair around and looked again, and sure enough.........................

I had found a patch of grey hairs.  AARGH!!!!

I was not prepared for this.  Even though my mom was nearly all grey in her 30's and my sisters have been covering up their grey for awhile, I just always thought that since I was the blonde in the family, I was going to be exempt from the grey hairs.

I took this rather hard.  I cried.  A lot.  Everytime I walked by a mirror.  Even though, I am 40 now and should have expected it, I didn't expect it to happen to me.

So, after a few days of pouting about it, and getting advice from several friends, I realized it really wasn't that bad.  I just needed the kick in the butt to snap me out of my self-induced "poor me" saga.  One of my friends reminded me it could be worse, I could be losing my hair! She was so right!

So, I finally called my hair stylist and told her we needed to have an appointment.  I wanted her to look around my whole head to see if I had grey hairs all over or just this one spot.  Thankfully, it is just in the one spot, at the front of my head, right where I part my hair and down into my bangs. See, so next time you see me you can find it!

After much discussion, I have decided not to color it.  It really isn't that noticeable.  It is just in a small area.  I have never colored my hair (except for one bad attempt in college) and don't want to start that process until I have to.  I love my hair and messing with color might change it forever.  So, I am putting a smile on my face and wearing my grey....and secretly hoping it doesn't spread to more areas.

Gotta love turning 40!  Any of you choose to not color your grey?

Grey hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.
Proverbs 16:31 NIV

Check out this an other great posts on Women Living Well.


Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

I so fear when I find my first, I am going to have a very hard time, too. You are beautiful, grey or no grey!!

Stacie said...

Thanks Kris! Keep your blonde locks as long as possible! :)

Heather said...

I, too, have decided to leave my grey hair. However, I am grey over almost half my head, in weird chunks instead of all over. I started turning grey in my 20's, but I dyed it. Until I decided to live as healthfully as possible. So when I was pregnant with my third child (in my early 30s), I stopped dying it. I'm not interested in shaving off a couple years of my life just for hair color.
So now, I am pushing forty and have had children ask me if my young kids are my grandchildren. Ouch! But I know that I chose to leave it, and so I have to accept this kind of stuff. Even my mom delighted in telling me how much younger she looked than me. (She colors hers.)
For me, it was a personal decision for health, but also because I wanted to see who I really was without the cover-up. I wanted to try to learn to accept it and see how it challenged me inside - to embrace who I was, to develop a stronger constitution to deal with the comments, and to hold my head high in a country that is so enamored with fakeness and with eternal youth. I also didn't want to have to keep up with maintaining a dye-job, poisoning my system every few months.
Yes, I freak-out a little every time I catch a reflection of myself in a mirror. (I still feel like I should look like I did in my early 20's). But I'd rather learn to embrace the aging gracefully than try to fight the inevitable. (But honestly, if it wasn't unhealthy to dye, I probably still would be. I'm not that concerned with embracing it.) Hold your head high and show others that beauty is more than hair color. -Heather

Unknown said...

stopping by from WLW - I also chose not to color my gray - I'm happy to share with others that I've put alot of energy into getting this far in life, and I'm not ashamed one bit to wear the crown God has given me, and my husband is happy just the way I am (he's the one I aim to please).
You are beautiful, don't fret over a few gray hairs :0)

Kristin Bridgman said...

I'm 50 and I don't color. . .I highlight:) I like my crown of hair too, I just like it better when it glows with the highlights. Maybe when I'm 60 or 70 I'll quit and go gray. . .but not now~