The ESTELLA SOCIETY blog decided to encourage writing by asking for bloggers to sign up. By signing up, I agreed to be assigned to another blogger, anywhere in the world, and write letters to that person over the course of the year. I remember having a pen pal at some point in my childhood. I can't tell you the person's name or where they lived, but I remember writing letters to someone. I think I signed up through a magazine or something.
Our ancestors only had letters to communicate with each other. I know my mom still has her letters from my father. I love finding postcards from the early 1900's and reading what someone wanted to share with a friend or family member that lived maybe in the next town or maybe across the country. I also love books written in epistolary form. One of my favorites was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: A Novel
Last week, I received my pen pal assignment and I am super excited to get to know and share letters with Carey of . In reading her blog and following her twitter feed, HERE, I've noticed that we have several things in common. I am excited to learn more about her through our letters to each other.
If you haven't written a letter to someone in awhile, I highly recommend getting out some paper and a pen and writing to someone you haven't talked to in a long time. You may just start an exchange that will bring joy to both of your lives.
I remember getting assigned penpals in grade school. I am still in touch with one of them today, and we are meeting for the first time next month!
That is awesome! What a great experience that will be!
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