Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Six Ways to Get More Reading in Your Day

Never trust anyone who hasn't brought a book with them. 
Lemony Snicket in HORSERADISH

I am often asked by friends and family, "How do you read so many books?" I am a busy gal.  We have three very active children.  Our nights are often spent running to an activity or two.  I substitute teach at the school and volunteer a few times a week at different places in our community.  Plus I try to keep up with all the typical household tasks that most moms do on a daily basis. (I usually fail in this area). Below you will find the six ways that help me to stay on top of my reading.  You really can find time to read and finish that book!


1 - Always, always have a book with you at all times.  Carry a book in your purse or keep one in the car.  Need to wait at the doctor's office, stand in a long line at the grocery store, or wait in a parking lot for your child during a sports practice? You can read.  With the ease of eReaders and Apps, you can always have a book ready to read on your phone or device. Since we travel to many sporting events for our kids, whenever my husband is doing the driving, I've got a book with me. Thankfully, I can read in the car and not get sick.  You can also try listening to an audio book during your morning and even commute. You can get audio books on CD or through an app like Audible.  

2 - Ten minutes of reading is ten minutes.  You might get a chapter done in ten minutes.  Can you read while you are waiting for the pasta to boil during supper?  How about while your cookies are baking in the oven? Leaving the book open on the counter makes it available to you to read a few pages at a time.

3 - Read when your kids read.  Our kids have to read so many minutes every day for their English class. When they come home and read, you read too. What better way to model good habits than to read next to your children!

4- Go to bed fifteen minutes early and read. It will calm you and get you ready for sleep, unless you are reading a thriller, then if you are like me, you would be wide awake!  I read most anything before bed (except thrillers, but I don't read those anyway), but I like reading devotionals and then saying silent prayers before I drift off.  If you tend to get involved in books and are at risk for staying up too late, set a limit of one or two chapters per night.  Or read from a daily devotional and just read the one day's devotion.

5 - If you can, have more than one book going at once so if you get bored with one, you can pick up the other.  I always have an eBook and physical book going at the same time so I can read on the go or in the dark or whatever the situation is.  If you have trouble keeping all the different characters and plots straight, try reading two different genres like a historical fiction and a self-help/inspirational type of book.

6- Ask your friends for good book recommendations.  You are much more likely to read if you have an exciting book in front of you, then you can talk to your friend about that shocking ending once you've finished it.  Don't be afraid to abandon a book that isn't working for you. Reading is supposed to be fun. Find a genre, an author, or a series you like and start reading.


Becky Goerend said...

Fantastic suggestions! I need to get back into reading!

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

I have several books that have been sitting by my chair all to long waiting for me. Hoping your tips will help!