Monday, May 12, 2014

How to Have a Fun Summer with Your Kids

Summer will officially begin for our family in just 22 days.  Unfortunately, it won't be a very relaxing summer for our family as the kids have baseball, camps, and even our oldest has a job. But, we will certainly make the most of every day we have.  This summer is a short one for us as we just have 76 days of summer to enjoy before the kids go back to school.  There are also only two weeks where our family has nothing going on, so we plan to take our vacation then and really enjoy our free time.

Over the years I have found many ways to plan fun activities for our summer.
THIS POST, THIS POST and THIS POST share ideas from a couple years ago including themed days, family money jar, summer reading ideas, and a summer bucket list.

Our kids are older now and our days are better if they are spontaneous rather than planned out. But, when they were younger I relied on planning out something for each day. This summer I am looking forward to creating some artwork with our daughter who is so talented.  I hope to hang some of her creations on our walls.  We can hopefully spend some lazy afternoons at the pool and take some long bike rides.  Each day will be a new adventure and I can't wait for summer to get here!

If you have younger children and are wondering how you can possibly fill your summer days to keep the kids from crying, "I'm Bored", then I have just the idea for you!

The Confident Mom has all you need to have a summer full of fun! Susan Heid has spent countless hours planning out budget-friendly and fun ideas for you to do with your kids this summer.  If you have gotten her Summer Calendar before, be aware than these are NEW ideas. With 90% of the activities and recipes being new this year, you can be assured that your summer of fun will never be boring!

This Summer Survival Calendar offers at least one suggested activity each day from May 1-August 31.  So you can start right now! Some of the activities include making marshmallow sculptures, tie-dye t-shirts, dinosaur eggs, ice cream in a bag, water balloon games, ice bowling, and making watermelon pie.  There are over 120 engaging activities the whole family can enjoy. The downloadable PDF includes clickable links for instructions and photos. 

This year's calendar includes a supply list for all the activities on the calendar. The activities are organized by the week, so you can easily plan and gather what you need when you will need it. If you are new to The Confident Mom's Summer Survival Calendar, you can purchase the mega package which includes 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Summer Survival Calendars all for $11. You will receive a whole bunch of activities and can pick and choose what works best for your family! 

Susan has also created an Action Guide. This includes worksheets, checklists, and forms including Summer Goals, Quiet Time Activities, Meal Planning, and many more.  Susan has really done all the work for us and all we have left to do is have a great summer with our kids.  

To purchase 
click HERE

Your options include:
2014 Calendar and Action Guide for $8, enter coupon code SAVEBUNDLE for $1 off $8 price.
2014 Calendar only for $6
Mega Bundle of Calendars and Action Guide for $11, enter coupon code SAVEMEGA for $2 off the $11 price. 
Coupon codes are valid through May 31, 2014. 

There is no excuse for you to have a boring summer.  Surprise your kids with a summer full of fun activities and one where you will never hear, "Mom, I'm bored!"

For more great summer ideas, check out this great Link Party!

All Kinds of Things


Unknown said...

these are such great planning ideas!! as a mom of little ones still, i am in a season where i can benefit greatly from these! thank you so much for sharing...excited to have found you through the link-up!!

Becky Goerend said...

Thank you so much for adding this to the link party. I was going to suggest it but, then I saw you already did! What an awesome resource!

Elizabeth said...

I'm so excited that you stopped by the link-up today! Your blog looks like my kind of place to land~ :-)

Britt Fisk said...

This looks like an incredible calendar of activities. What a great idea to have ahead of time. Thanks so much for posting!