Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Snippets 3.22.15

On Sundays I like to share snippets from our past week or weeks. If you don't already know, we live in a small town in Iowa and our kids are active in sports and music related activities. We have had a bit of a lull since basketball finished up last month and soccer games haven't started yet. Show choir competition season just ended and we have a few more concerts before the end of the year. I'm still subbing a lot as well as reading and reviewing. Pat is keeping busy meeting with his clients. So life is pretty mellow, or as mellow as it can get right now.

Here is what has been going on in our world the last two weeks:

Bennett had his middle school spring concert.

Patrick also had his spring concert.

Our final show choir competition was last weekend.
I'm going to miss watching our boys perform.
They are certainly talented.

Bennett had the solo during "Hip to Be Square".
All the boys looked so awesome in their "nerd glasses".
Their song choices dealt with an anti-bullying theme and it was so fun to watch their show.

Patrick took a risk and sang for the solo competition.
He brought me to tears and absolutely WOWED me!
He sang "Ten Minutes Ago" from Cinderella and scored a 88 out of 100.
For his first time and as a freshman, I was impressed.

The judge Lynne Rothrock worked with Patrick right in front of all of us.
She was amazing and gave Patrick some great tips for the future.

Bennett and a friend made this Crunch bar in art class. 
I thought it was pretty awesome.

The basketball banquet was held last Sunday 
and we were able to acknowledge 
all the accomplishments the freshman team had 
and thank our wonderful coach, Mr Conrad.

I was able to sit on our porch for a couple hours last week
which was pure joy.
Our cat Stormy has been begging to be out there non-stop all week.
She is going to have a rude awakening when we get some colder weather this week.

I have a new favorite drink. I found them at Target.
Even though they are bit pricey, they are a nice change from water once in a while.

It has been Spring Break for us, but due to 
Patrick's soccer schedule, we weren't able to go anywhere.
So, Reagan had a couple friends over during the week
 and then she went to my sister's for the weekend.
Reagan and her friend had fun making these cute cupcakes and we enjoyed eating them!

We will be hitting it hard this week with a busy schedule.
But it will be all be worth it 
as Pat and I are spending Friday together celebrating our 16th Anniversary.

Thanks for sharing some of the snippets from our last couple weeks.
I hope you have found ways to reminisce on the big and little joys in your life.

1 comment:

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies said...

Love seeing the boys concert pics! If I lived closer, I would love to see them perform!