Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Even though I am sick of cold, snow and winter, this quote and photo brought a smile to my face. I took this photo after one of our snow storms this winter.

Winter is full of some of my favorite comfort foods: chili, potato soup, and lasagna.

Winter is a time for extra snuggles on the couch and getting cozy under a blanket with a book and a cup of coffee.

Winter is family movie night by the fire place.

Winter is snow days where everyone gets to stay home and sleep in.

Winter can seem like it lasts forever. Winter can cause us to wish for beaches and summer days, but it can also remind me of home.

I have always lived in Iowa (except for 6 months in Wisconsin) and I know that if I lived somewhere that didn't have a true winter, it probably wouldn't feel like home.

So, as much as I am tired of WINTER, I am reminding myself of the small joys and beautiful moments of WINTER while waiting for SPRING to arrive.

If you are feeling like you can't handle one more snow storm or ice storm or cold day, find hope in the fact that WINTER is almost over and look for something to make you smile today.

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