Sunday, January 1, 2017

First Book of 2017

Sheila at Book Journey started this lovely feature where each of us can share our first book of the year. All of us can link up our choices and see what everyone else is choosing as their first book.

Of course, we all have different reasons for why a certain book is going to be our first book. But, for me, I like to choose a book that is one I want to read for my own enjoyment. Not because I HAVE to read it for a review or assignment. 

Last year, I chose A MANUAL FOR CLEANING WOMEN because I had heard so many wonderful things about it. Unfortunately, I only got half-way through it before I abandoned it. It just wasn't what I had hoped and when I set it aside, I realized I had no desire to go back to it. I have too many other great books waiting to be cracked open to keep reading something I don't care to read. So, sadly, last year's book wasn't a great choice, but I think this year's choice will be.

This year's First Book of 2017 is THE TWO-FAMILY HOUSE by Lynda Cohen Loigman. I have only heard good things about this book. I just recently snagged it on a Kindle deal. I also recommended it to my cousin who just finished it and she liked it. So, I'm confident I'll finish this one! Goodreads shows a cumulative 3.95 out of 5 stars and Amazon show 4.3 out of 5 stars for the ratings. That's pretty impressive.

By: Lynda Cohen Loigman
Published: March 8, 2016
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Format: eBook

Here is the synopsis from Goodreads:

Brooklyn, 1947: in the midst of a blizzard, in a two-family brownstone, two babies are born minutes apart to two women. They are sisters by marriage with an impenetrable bond forged before and during that dramatic night; but as the years progress, small cracks start to appear and their once deep friendship begins to unravel. No one knows why, and no one can stop it. One misguided choice; one moment of tragedy. Heartbreak wars with happiness and almost but not quite wins.

Why do I think I'll love it? It's historical fiction. It's set during a blizzard which makes January in Iowa a perfect time to read it. It's about family drama and there is a secret. Also, this is a debut novel from this author which is also something I love. I think it'll make the perfect choice for my First Book of 2017.

What is your First Book of 2017? Feel free to share it with me in the comments!

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